Life is good!

The past several days around here have been nothing short of fantastic.  First, I get an email from Pete Cottle.  As the saying goes, Pete is the man who literally wrote the book on Danios!danios_devarios_book Pete is one of my fish keeping heroes, and we have communicated over the Internet for several years now. He is always very helpful and supportive when I’ve had questions or problems.  Long story short, I receive his email because Pete was asked his opinion on a Danio breeding problem, and he ask for my opinion as well. Talk about making someone feel good about themselves. Thank you Pete! Continue reading Life is good!

Musing of a fish keeper

Just the other night we had our August club meeting, (C.A.F.E.).  Rusty Wessel came up from Louisville Kentucky and gave a talk about “Fishes of the Maya”.  Rusty usually brings fish to auction after the talk and this time was no exception.

As I watched all the super cool fish Rusty had brought along being auctioned off, I felt a little down that I wasn’t still keeping cichlids as this was a rare opportunity to acquire some very special fish. I soon found myself reminiscing about fish I have kept over the years and what a fantastic hobby fish keeping truly is…..

As a child, I kept a multitude of “critters” in bottles, jars and buckets.  All treasures carried home from streams, ditches and local farm ponds here in rural Ohio. In 1965 I started my “official” fish keeping career as I imagine many 8 year old boys did, with a 25 cent turtle from the five & dime store. Continue reading Musing of a fish keeper