Had a blast yesterday at the GCAS (Greater Cincinnati Aquarium Society) 2015 Swap!  I’ve attended many of their club functions and always had a great time, but yesterday was my first experience as a seller at one of their events.

It is a bit early in the season for me so I didn’t have a full complement of fish, but my good friend Bob was kind enough to split a table with me so we had a good selection of fish. Bob has some fantastic tank raised and super cool cories and plecos.  He’s also got some very nice livebearers.

There were several of us from my club CAFE (Columbus Area Fish Enthusiasts) that had tables and the great folks at GCAS made us feel right at home. Many thanks to Eric and the gang at GCAS for putting together such a great event!

I’ll be looking to move my spawning schedule up just a bit to have more fish ready for this great event next year. Already looking forward to the next GCAS Swap!

Mixing Danios

I often get questions about mixing Danios of different species in the same tank together. As a general rule, if the fish are close to the same size and temperament, there are no problems keeping them together.

There are exceptions to this in regards to the fish cross breeding.  With this in mind, the fish I would NOT keep together are;

  • Zebra Danios (Danio rerio) and Leopard Danios (Danio rerio var. frankei)
  • Celestial Pearl Danios (Danio margaritatus) and Emerald Dwarf Rasboras (Danio erythromicron)
  • Danio kyathit – There is a Spotted variety & a Striped variety.

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