HMF aquarium filtration

Corner HMF Aquarium Filtration
Photo by Dennis Ball

If you have a fish room, and you are NOT using HMF aquarium filtration, then you my friend are missing out. HMF, or Hamburger Mattenfilter, is an aquarium filtration method invented by aquarists near the city of Hamburg Germany. While it’s considered fairly new in the US, it’s old school in Europe dating back to the 1960’s.

The original HMF aquarium filtration, or Mattenfilter for short, was simply a foam sheet  inserted vertically in the tank, about 2 cm from the side wall. This works extremely well in a working fish room where tanks are placed on end into tank racks.  There are also several variations on this basic theme, like the corner HMF pictured above.  Continue reading HMF aquarium filtration


Had a blast yesterday at the GCAS (Greater Cincinnati Aquarium Society) 2015 Swap!  I’ve attended many of their club functions and always had a great time, but yesterday was my first experience as a seller at one of their events.

It is a bit early in the season for me so I didn’t have a full complement of fish, but my good friend Bob was kind enough to split a table with me so we had a good selection of fish. Bob has some fantastic tank raised and super cool cories and plecos.  He’s also got some very nice livebearers.

There were several of us from my club CAFE (Columbus Area Fish Enthusiasts) that had tables and the great folks at GCAS made us feel right at home. Many thanks to Eric and the gang at GCAS for putting together such a great event!

I’ll be looking to move my spawning schedule up just a bit to have more fish ready for this great event next year. Already looking forward to the next GCAS Swap!