Visiting Eric & Regina ( All Oddball Aquatics )

If you have spent much time in the aquarium hobby, you have no doubt heard of Eric Bodrock and Regina Spotti.  In the photo above, that’s Regina on the left with Eric on the right and Stephan Tanner of Swiss Tropicals in the middle.

All Oddball Aquatics is the on-line company owned & operated by Eric, and is located in western Pennsylvania, just a bit south of Pittsburgh. Continue reading Visiting Eric & Regina ( All Oddball Aquatics )

Catfish Convention and new fry…..

My fish room was in ‘maintenance mode’ for about the last 10 months.  By that I mean I was keeping up on water changes and regular feedings, but I wasn’t doing anything in the way of encouraging any of the fish to reproduce.

Everyone took the hint, except the plecos!

Even my L183 Starlight Bristlenose, Ancistrus dolichopterus got into the act. Their tank is very over-grown, but I believe there are 4 generations of fish in the tank at this time.  The video shows the youngest two generations.

We all know how important high quality food is when growing out fry, but large frequent water changes are also every bit as important for steady, even fry growth.

All-Aquarium Catfish Convention 2016 LogoAs catfish are the topic of this post, I’ll be leaving tomorrow for the Catfish Convention in Herndon, VA.  I’m traveling to the convention with my good friend Stephan Tanner of Swiss Tropicals . We are planning to stop over at Eric Bodrock’s All Oddball Aquatics.  I’ve heard how Eric’s fish room is just fantastic so I’m excited to get the chance for a visit.  Both Stephan and Eric are speaking at the convention.

Once at the convention, the plan is to meetup with Bob & Jeremy, my most excellent friends from CAFE.  Bob is a lover of all things Corydoras, and Jeremy is the first person to have spawned Jaguar Catfish, Liosomadorus oncinus, in captivity.  I seem to be surrounded by catfish royalty!!!

With a bit of luck, I’ll have photos and video to share when I return!