
Almost 20 years ago now, I became involved on the forum.  CPD’s were new to the hobby and a very hot topic.  The forum had a wide variety of members and amassed some very good info about the fish.

As the newness wore off, the original owner of the forum decided he wasn’t interested in keeping the forum up and running. He was aware that I was involved in spawning CPD’s and asked if I would be interested in taking over the website.

Continue reading Resurrecting

I’ve Got the Aquarium Bug Again!

I’ve been away from fishkeeping since the fall of 2015.  It began when my wife went into the hospital for the last time.  She later passed away in July of 2016 and since then I’ve been sort of lost.

When I closed Ball Aquatics and took down the fish room, I knew that someday I’d be back. With that in mind, I just moved 100+ tanks and other equipment into storage so I’d have it when the time came.  Fishkeeping has always brought me such peace and a sense of purpose… Continue reading I’ve Got the Aquarium Bug Again!

Aquarium Magic

A Beginner’s Guide for Kids and Parents

All to often I see on-line information that seems to paint keeping an aquarium as a difficult proposition.  I’ve never found this to be true in my 50+ years of keeping aquariums.

I have always believed that every child should have an aquarium.  It is such a learning experience!  They will learn about biology, chemistry, ecology, and environmental sciences, just to name a few.

With these things in mind, I’m working on a series of posts to aid new comers to the hobby when deciding or starting in the hobby.  My main goal is to show that it need not be difficult, and the benefits to your or your children’s learning possibilities.

The allure of aquariums

Aquariums offer a unique and captivating experience that draws in people of all ages.  The gentle movement of water, the vibrant colors of fish, and the serene atmosphere of an aquarium can create a calming and relaxing ambiance.

I remember having a small 5 gallon hexagon tank setup with cherry red shrimp when my grand children were very young.  They were mesmerized watching the tiny crustaceans as they picked through the gravel looking for morsels of food.

Aquariums have also been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, and in today’s world, we can all use some of that!

If you’ve been put-off in the past…

Follow along and I’ll show you how fun and easy keeping an aquarium can be!

In the next installment we’ll get into;

    • Dispelling common misconceptions
    • Choosing the Right Aquarium
    • Factors to consider (e.g., size, shape, filtration)
    • Budget-friendly aquarium options

I’m Out of Business

Well the state of Ohio wasn’t at all happy with me turning in $0.00 sales for the past couple of years.

As such, I’m officially “out-of-business” since July 1st 2019.  I could view it as a set-back, but in all honesty, with all that has been going on, I haven’t really had time for my fish room.

I’m down to just a few tanks and haven’t really decided where I’m going with Ball Aquatics in the future.  I’ll always have some fish around, and most likely continue to work with Danios, Devarios, and the like.

I might even get busy and pull together the posts about spawning some of the un-common fish I’ve worked with in the past 10 years.