Devario assamensis – A Gift

Wednesday, October 30th, 2013

CAFE LogoWOW  Things have really been hopping around here the last several days.  Last Friday we had our October meeting of C.A.F.E.  One of our own, Kevin Bauman, gave a talk on aquarium photography.  Kevin has the reputation of taking beautiful photos of his African cichlids and shared some of his secrets with the rest of us.  Excellent presentation.  You can see Kevin’s work over at his website,

On Saturday, it was a trip to Cincinnati to the GCAS Fall Auction.  The GCAS auctions typically feature some very nice cichlids and plecos.  They have a great club and I’ve always had a great time at their events.  My good friend Bob offered his help as an auctioneer and as Emerald would say, he kicked it up a notch.  Bob loves to auction and it shows as he always does such a superb job of it.

Devario assamensis fryMonday morning saw the delivery of some Devario assamensis fry from my good friend Bill at Eugene Research Aquatics.  Bill and I have traded fish in the past and I was very happy when he offered to send me some of his D. assamensis fry.  As the company name implies, Bill is into research and he always sends me the finest of fish.  I didn’t get an exact count, but there must be 100 or more fry in 3 separate containers.

Back in the fall of 2009, I purchased 6 Devario assamensis on AquaBid, but lost them to the heat of a very hot summer in the fish room the following year.  They originate from a mountainous region in India and as such prefer cooler water temperatures.  They are one of the larger members of the Danionin family, and measure 3.5 inches as adults.  Needless to say, I am very happy to have some in my collection again.  Thank you Bill.

With the addition of these Devario assamensis, I’m starting to get a very nice collection of Devarios in the fish room…
Devario assamensis

  • Devario acrostomus
  • Devario aequipinnatus
  • Devario assamensis
  • Devario devario
  • Devario pathirana
  • Devario sondhii
  • Devario xyrops

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