Almost 20 years ago now, I became involved on the forum. CPD’s were new to the hobby and a very hot topic. The forum had a wide variety of members and amassed some very good info about the fish.
As the newness wore off, the original owner of the forum decided he wasn’t interested in keeping the forum up and running. He was aware that I was involved in spawning CPD’s and asked if I would be interested in taking over the website.
The old forum…
Every thing went great for several years, but software updates started causing issues with the site. At the same time on the home front family issues made it impossible for me to devote the time to properly fix the many problems. At sometime in 2014 the forum part of the site became unusable.
As the years passed I would often regret that the posts on the old forum were not available to hobbyists interested in keeping Celestial Pearl Danios. Getting the forum back in working order was one of those back-burner projects we all seem to have.

Back in business…
Well as of November 23, 2024 I’m happy to say the website is back in working order! At first, it was a bit over whelming trying get the old forum data converted over into a modern up-to-date forum. With trial and error, and some code changes, it all came together in the end.
BBPress comes with several database converters and that helped get me started in the right direction. My problem was that the old PHPBB forum was several versions older than what the converter was expecting. Working through the code and making some small changes got everything working in the end.
It’s been very rewarding to me to be able to browse the forum and look at the old posts complete with the original members and all the replies to the posts.
I’m still working to polish things up a bit, and get some experience with the new forum software, but things are looking very promising for the future of the website and the old forum in particular!

If you have an interest in Danio margaritatus, or some of the other nano type fish, check out the website