tank rack

Returning to the fish room…

Monday, August 1st, 2016

Terri, my high school sweetheart, my best friend, my wife of 39 years was told several years ago that she had a terminal illness.  Much too soon, and despite our best efforts, it recently came time to pay the piper.  Needless to say, my fish keeping has been put on the back burner for the biggest part of the last year.

My friend Pete Cottle, who lost his wife several years back, offered the advice that I, “Get back into the fish room and focus on them”.  As I have always been a big proponent that fish keeping is very therapeutic, I must confess that it sounds like good advice.

I owe a big Thank You to all my friends in the hobby who have been so supportive during this difficult time.  This goes double for the folks at CAFE, my local club.  If you don’t belong to your local club, you should make an effort to attend the next club meeting to see what you’re missing.  People in the aquarium hobby are some of the best folks you’re ever likely to meet.

In closing, to all the Clubs who had scheduled or inquired about me speaking at a meeting this past year, I’m sorry I had to cancel or turn down engagements.  I’m hoping to use the remainder of this year to heal and return to the hobby with renewed enthusiasm in 2017.

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