Poret Corner Filters

When I heard my friend Stephan was moving out of the area, I knew the clock was running for me to get all my tanks converted over to HMF filtration.  Normally with largers tanks I just use the typical HMF where the sheet of foam goes from front to back / top to bottom on one end of the tank, but with my new 40 breeders I though I’d make corner filters.

Using HMF corner filters saves on the amount of foam needed and gives you a cleaner look in your tank.  If you leave enough room behind your corner filter you can hide things like heaters, bulk heads and pumps.  It’s also nice to syphon your water out behind the foam when doing water changes on tanks with fry.

Roll up your sleves and I’ll show you how I constructed my DIY corner filters in a future post!

Petco $1 gallon sale

What a great deal offered by Petco!  Every year Petco has their $1 per Gallon sale and this year I picked up four 40 gallon breeder tanks.  That a full load for an Isuzu Rodeo!

I purchased these through the Petco located in Troy Ohio.  They were not in stock so the store manager ordered them and even though they didn’t come in until after the sale was over, I got the $1 per gallon sale price.  Thank you Jesse!

I’m going to make some Poret HMF corner filters for these tanks so stay tuned.

Spawning Danio meghalayensis

A couple of months ago I had the opportunity to acquire a group of 8 Danio meghalayensis from my good friend Stephan Tanner of Swiss Tropicals. As these fish are quite rare here in the states you can imagine my delight!

After several failed attempts at spawning these fish using a breeder set-up, I decided to loaded them up with live foods and started to monitor them very closely.  Several weeks ago during an afternoon thunderstorm they spawned. Continue reading Spawning Danio meghalayensis

Spawning Danios Article

A couple weeks ago, I was offered the opportunity to write an article about spawning danios.  The cool thing about it was that the article was to be posted on Pete Mang’s web site.  Anyone who has purchased fish on AquaBid probably knows Pete as Lotsoffish.

Over the years, I received some very nice fish from Pete.  He really knows his stuff when it comes to keeping, raising, and spawning fish in particular.  If you get a chance check out his site, and my article too! (http://lotsoffish.net/Breeding-Egg-Layers.html)

CAFE Swap Meet – March 24, 2012

My local club had their annual Swap Meet a couple of Saturday’s ago.  What a great time!  And to think, I almost didn’t go.  I had decided it was just too far for me to go, about 3 hours round trip.

Lucky for me, Cory the club plant guru, posted on the C.A.F.E. forum that he was looking for someone to split a table. 

At any rate, I renewed some old friendships, sold some stuff, made some new friends, and had some great conversations.