Back in October I picked up a bag of Devario acrostomus at the C.A.F.E. fall auction, (https://ballaquatics.com/general/devario-acrostomus-a-fall-auction-treasure/). Well for lack of a better place to keep them, I put them into a 20 gallon long that was over-grown with some vals that I had picked up at the C.A.F.E. spring auction. Can you tell I really like the local club auctions?
As it turned out, putting them into the over-grown tank proved to be a very good idea. With lots of live foods and frequent large water changes they spawned within a couple of weeks. With the tangle of all the Vallisneria it prevented the adults, in typical Danio fashion, from eating all the eggs and/or fry.
It’s been a very cold winter here in Ohio and as such the temperatures in the fish room have been on the cool side. With the cool temperatures the fry have grown at a bit slower rate than if kept warmer, but non the less at 3 months they are beginning to look like miniature adults.

Devario acrostomus are one of the larger Danionins comparable to Danio dangila or Devario aequipinnatus. They are very active and eager eaters of almost anything offered. My adult breeders are wild caught fish and can be timid at times, but I believe the fry will be more at home in the aquarium and not exhibit those traits.

The adults have continued to spawn on a somewhat regular basis and there appear to be fry from 3 or 4 different spawns living in the tank with them.