In July of 2012, I came into possession of some very hard to get Blue Moon Danio (Devario xyrops). My good fortune came about due to my friend Dr. Stephan Tanner of Swiss Tropicals. Stephan has some super contacts in the aquarium hobby and often comes into possession of fish that are nearly impossible to obtain. As I understand it, these fish came into Aqua Global in Germany as a bycatch of the fish collectors. In other words, when the collectors are out catching fish, they happen to net a few, often unidentified, fish in the process. Sometimes these fish go unnoticed when the exporters are shipping the main group. Continue reading Spawning Devario xyrops
Month: December 2014
Corydoras aeneus (green)

Back in mid September I posted about some cory cats I had picked up from Holly over at HCA Aquatics.
These are some really lovely Green Corydoras aeneus and I got them with the full intention of spawning them and spreading the joy at next years auctions and swaps. Continue reading Corydoras aeneus (green)
New tank racks
With my bounty of new old tanks, I needed some rack space to put them into service. I normally build my racks, but in this case it was Wal-Mart to the rescue.
I wanted something easy to put up and easy to take down. Also something portable so I could move them where needed without any trouble. Continue reading New tank racks
An early escape…..
New, Old Tanks
While I haven’t been having one of my best years for spawning fish, it has been a great year for acquiring some free “New, Old Tanks”.
It all started when a fellow hobbyist made a post on the club forum that he had some free fish and tanks that he wished to re-home. Continue reading New, Old Tanks