While trying to get some photos of 6 week old Devario sondhii fry to see if the dark cleithral spot behind the gill opening was visible yet, I found a very pleasant surprise in the tank.
At the start of every new year I like to set some goals to work towards in the fish room. I guess I have finally listened to my Zig Ziglar tape on setting goals enough times that some of it is sinking in!
I often get questions about mixing Danios of different species in the same tank together. As a general rule, if the fish are close to the same size and temperament, there are no problems keeping them together.
There are exceptions to this in regards to the fish cross breeding. With this in mind, the fish I would NOT keep together are;
I hope I don’t jinks things by saying this, but my Daphnia cultures have never been better!
I almost lost my Daphnia this summer do to heat and the crashing of my green water culture, but they have made a marvelous recovery and are producing better than ever. Continue reading I think I’m getting the hang of this…