Last Friday was a cold and snowy day with a storm front moving through the area. As the temperatures dropped, I thought I’d better drained down my rain water collection system to keep it from freezing up. Pumping the cold water into the fish room I thought it might be a good time to give the Albino Cories a cold water change to see what would happen. Continue reading Snowy day and a cold water change…..
Category: Fry
Posts related to new fry or the care and feeding of fry in general.
Feeding Tiny Fry
The aquatics industry has done a wonderful job of supplying the hobbyist with a wide array of equipment and food. With these in hand, the success rate of new hobbyists must be at an all-time high.
When you begin to spawn your fish and raise fry, the industry supplied choices of foods for larval fish become few and far between. This is especially true when raising fish that produce tiny fry not capable of eating newly hatched baby brine shrimp. The good news is, there is a multitude of foods you can culture yourself when faced with the prospect of feeding tiny fry. Continue reading Feeding Tiny Fry
Devario assamensis – A Gift
WOW Things have really been hopping around here the last several days. Last Friday we had our October meeting of C.A.F.E. One of our own, Kevin Bauman, gave a talk on aquarium photography. Kevin has the reputation of taking beautiful photos of his African cichlids and shared some of his secrets with the rest of us. Excellent presentation. You can see Kevin’s work over at his website, Continue reading Devario assamensis – A Gift
Spawning Otocinclus catfish
Back around the first of the year Petsmart was having a sale on Otocinclus for $1 each. Each spring for the past couple of years I’ve wanted to try spawning these fish so I picked up a couple bags for a later project.

They have been eating lots of Repashy “Soilent Green” and fattened up very nicely.
The spawning set-up is a standard 10 gallon tank with some anubias and crypts. It has a course black substrate and the water is very soft being almost pure rain water. I have a small heater set to keep the temperature at 78 °F.

The fish must be happy because today while doing water changes I found the first fry!
If I can get these fry to adult hood it will be interesting to see if tank raised Otos are a bit more hardy than the store bought variety.
Here are some photos of the fry just a couple of days later…..

Success At Last!
After months of producing a fry here and there, I woke up to at least 3 dozen Danio tinwini fry this morning!
When I picked up my breeding stock from Mark Denaro back in May of ’09, these fish were simply known as Danio sp. TW02. In November of 2009 they were properly named Danio tinwini after Mr. U Tin Win of the Hein Aquarium in Myanmar.
In the picture above, the fry are in one of my egg traps. The DIY on the trap is over at the Danionins site…