Feeling so much better

Devario pathirana
Photo by Dennis Ball

It has been a long cold winter here in central Ohio. Just about the time the weather was breaking I came down with the flu or some other nasty respiratory ailment.  Today is the first time I’ve really felt good in just over a month.

At any rate, my plans for first-of-the-year spawning projects went right out the window.  I have been wildly successful with spawning some ABN’s though.

My very good friend Bob, also a C.A.F.E. member, gave me an extra male ABN he had.  This was around the end of February.  After about 6 weeks of sweet talking one of my female ABN’s they set-up house keeping.  They seem to be a very good match as they are producing about 40 fry every 30 days now!

Male Albino Bushy Nose with fry.
Photo by Dennis Ball

Even though my spawning projects have suffered, there’s been lots going on.  I’ll try to get caught up here in the next few weeks.

Nannostomus mortenthaleri
Photo by Dennis Ball

We had another Convention at C.A.F.E., I picked up some super cool fish at the silent auction, etc.

Be back soon!

Devario acrostomus spawning

Devario acrostomus
Photo by Dennis Ball

Back in October I picked up a bag of Devario acrostomus at the C.A.F.E. fall auction, (https://ballaquatics.com/general/devario-acrostomus-a-fall-auction-treasure/).  Well for lack of a better place to keep them, I put them into a 20 gallon long that was over-grown with some vals that I had picked up at the C.A.F.E. spring auction.  Can you tell I really like the local club auctions? Continue reading Devario acrostomus spawning

Happy New Year!

SwissTropicals WebsiteWell another year is in the books, and what a year it has been. Back in February, at the GCAS swap meet, my good friend Stephan Tanner and I began talking about a website make-over for his http://www.swisstropicals.com website.  Ta da….. the new site when live today!  While I may be a bit jaded, I think it’s beautiful. The site is loaded with tons of great information, links to some of the best hobby related websites, and Stephan’s great line of products. Continue reading Happy New Year!

Snowy day and a cold water change…..

albino_coryLast Friday was a cold and snowy day with a storm front moving through the area. As the temperatures dropped, I thought I’d better drained down my rain water collection system to keep it from freezing up. Pumping the cold water into the fish room I thought it might be a good time to give the Albino Cories a cold water change to see what would happen. Continue reading Snowy day and a cold water change…..

Spawning Ricefish

Male & female Ricefish
Back in the spring at our annual club swap meet, I picked up some very cool little Ricefish from another club member, Mark Miller.  I hadn’t really done much with these guys other than to marvel at how their eyes glow a very bright blue.  They are so bright that they catch your attention from across the room.

I have the species Oryzias woworae.  These fish come from the island of Sulawesi which is home to 17 Oryzias species described to date. Continue reading Spawning Ricefish