While we were at the All-Aquarium Catfish Convention this fall, a fellow YouTuber shot this great video of Stephan talking about Matten filters, cube filters and corner filters, all products of Swiss Tropicals. Continue reading Matten Filters, Cube Filters and Corner Filters
Category: Tools & Equipment
Item to make life in the fish room easier and/or more efficient.
HMF aquarium filtration

If you have a fish room, and you are NOT using HMF aquarium filtration, then you my friend are missing out. HMF, or Hamburger Mattenfilter, is an aquarium filtration method invented by aquarists near the city of Hamburg Germany. While it’s considered fairly new in the US, it’s old school in Europe dating back to the 1960’s.
The original HMF aquarium filtration, or Mattenfilter for short, was simply a foam sheet inserted vertically in the tank, about 2 cm from the side wall. This works extremely well in a working fish room where tanks are placed on end into tank racks. There are also several variations on this basic theme, like the corner HMF pictured above. Continue reading HMF aquarium filtration
New tank racks
With my bounty of new old tanks, I needed some rack space to put them into service. I normally build my racks, but in this case it was Wal-Mart to the rescue.
I wanted something easy to put up and easy to take down. Also something portable so I could move them where needed without any trouble. Continue reading New tank racks
Central Air problems
A couple of weeks ago at sometime in the night, my fish room blower toasted a bearing. Not a big deal. Air pumps being mechanical are going to break down at some point.
I set-up my spare pump and ordered repair parts. Quick service from a supplier on the west coast and I was due for a Monday delivery. Life was good….. for about 2 hours. My spare pump goes down.
Now don’t you just love it, when you think you’ve covered all the bases and Murphy’s Law comes up and bites you on the butt! Well at any rate since it was going to be several days before my parts for the blower came in I needed a new plan. Continue reading Central Air problems