What a great week. The weather has been unseasonably warm. I’ve got new fish babies, the first in 2 years! I was also fortunate enough to give my talk, “Not Your Fathers Danio”, at my local clubs first meeting of the year. Life is good.
Tag: Events
Matten Filters, Cube Filters and Corner Filters
While we were at the All-Aquarium Catfish Convention this fall, a fellow YouTuber shot this great video of Stephan talking about Matten filters, cube filters and corner filters, all products of Swiss Tropicals. Continue reading Matten Filters, Cube Filters and Corner Filters
At the OCA Extravaganza 2016
While I don’t keep many cichlids anymore, it’s hard to pass up on a chance to visit the Ohio Cichlid Associations yearly Extravaganza. The event marks the end of the year here in Ohio for most of the hobby related activities. Continue reading At the OCA Extravaganza 2016
Had a blast yesterday at the GCAS (Greater Cincinnati Aquarium Society) 2015 Swap! I’ve attended many of their club functions and always had a great time, but yesterday was my first experience as a seller at one of their events.
It is a bit early in the season for me so I didn’t have a full complement of fish, but my good friend Bob was kind enough to split a table with me so we had a good selection of fish. Bob has some fantastic tank raised and super cool cories and plecos. He’s also got some very nice livebearers.
There were several of us from my club CAFE (Columbus Area Fish Enthusiasts) that had tables and the great folks at GCAS made us feel right at home. Many thanks to Eric and the gang at GCAS for putting together such a great event!
I’ll be looking to move my spawning schedule up just a bit to have more fish ready for this great event next year. Already looking forward to the next GCAS Swap!
Feeling so much better

It has been a long cold winter here in central Ohio. Just about the time the weather was breaking I came down with the flu or some other nasty respiratory ailment. Today is the first time I’ve really felt good in just over a month.
At any rate, my plans for first-of-the-year spawning projects went right out the window. I have been wildly successful with spawning some ABN’s though.
My very good friend Bob, also a C.A.F.E. member, gave me an extra male ABN he had. This was around the end of February. After about 6 weeks of sweet talking one of my female ABN’s they set-up house keeping. They seem to be a very good match as they are producing about 40 fry every 30 days now!

Even though my spawning projects have suffered, there’s been lots going on. I’ll try to get caught up here in the next few weeks.

We had another Convention at C.A.F.E., I picked up some super cool fish at the silent auction, etc.
Be back soon!